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(4/60) Refer to following code: class Vehicle {constructor(plate) { this.plate =plate; }}Class Truck extends Vehicle {constructor(plate, weight) { //Missing code this.weight = weight; }displayWeight() { console.log('The truck ${.. Refer to following code: class Vehicle { constructor(plate) { this.plate =plate; } } class Truck extends Vehicle { constructor(plate, weight) { //Missing code this.weight = weight; } displayWeight() { console.log('The truck ${this.plate} has a weight of ${this.weight} lb.'); } } let myTruck = new Truck('123AB', 5000); myTruck.displayWeight(); Which statement should be added to line 09 for the co..
(3/60) Given two expressions var1 and var2. What are two valid ways to return the logical ANDof the two expressions and ensure it is data type Boolean ?Choose 2 answers: var var1 = 1; var var2 = 0; console.log(var1 && var2); console.log(Boolean(var1) && Boolean(var2)); console.log(Boolean(var1 && var2)); console.log(var1.toBoolean() && var2.toBoolean()); https://onecompiler.com/javascript/3yngv3t8g 3yngv3t8g - JavaScript - OneCompiler Javascript Online Compiler Write, Run & Share Javascript code online using OneCompiler's JS online compiler for free. It's one of..
(2/60) A developer wants to use a try...catch statement to catch any error that countSheep () may throw and pass it to a handleError () function. What is the correct implementation of the try...catch? 참고자료 : https://javascript.info/try-catch Error handling, "try...catch" javascript.info
(1/60) Which two code snippets show working examples of a recursive function?Choose 2 answers C, D가 터무니없이 이상한 답이었다.
MySql 테이블 charset 변경하기 -- 테이블 기준 foreign key 확인 select * from information_schema.table_constraints where table_name = 'master_company'; -- Foreign Key 삭제 ALTER TABLE cm_db.master_department DROP FOREIGN KEY master_department_ibfk_1; ALTER TABLE cm_db.master_department DROP FOREIGN KEY master_department_ibfk_2; -- Foreign Key 복구 ALTER TABLE cm_db.master_department ADD CONSTRAINT master_department_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (de..
MySql 테이블, 컬럼 Comment 조회 및 설정 테이블의 컬럼 조회 (코멘트 포함) SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM 테이블명 테이블 코멘트 설정 ALTER TABLE 테이블명 COMMENT = '코멘트' CREATE TABLE 테이블명 ( 컬럼1 INT, ) COMMENT = '코멘트' 컬럼 코멘트 설정 ALTER TABLE `테이블명` CHANGE COLUMN `컬럼명` `컬럼명` 데이터타입 NULL여부 DEFAULT값 EXTRA조건 COMMENT = '코멘트' CREATE TABLE 테이블명 ( 컬럼1 INT, ) COMMENT = '코멘트'; ex) ALTER TABLE `cm_db`.`master_employee_log` CHANGE COLUMN `seq` `seq` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COM..