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(52/60) Given the following code:document.body.addEventListener(' click ', (event) => {if (/* CODE REPLACEMENT HERE */) {console.log('button clicked!');)});Which replacement for the conditional statement on line 02 allows a developer to correctly determ..
(51/60) Given the code below:const delay = sync delay => {Return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {setTimeout (resolve, delay);});};const callDelay =async () =>{const yup =await delay(1000);console.log(1);What is logged to the console? 문제 해석 불가 ;;
(50/60) A developer wants to leverage a module to print a price in pretty format, and has imported a method as shown below:Import printPrice from '/path/PricePrettyPrint.js';Based on the code, what must be true about the printPrice function of the Price..
(49/60) Refer to the code below:01 const server = require('server');02 /* Insert code here */A developer imports a library that creates a web server. The imported library uses events andcallbacks to start the serversWhich code should be inserted at the ..
(48/60) Given the code below:const copy = JSON.stringify([ new String(' false '), new Bollean( false ), undefined ]);What is the value of copy? const copy = JSON.stringify([new String('false'), new Boolean(false), undefined]); console.log(copy); https://onecompiler.com/javascript/3ynnc5w8j 3ynnc5w8j - JavaScript - OneCompiler Javascript Online Compiler Write, Run & Share Javascript code online using OneCompiler's JS online compiler for free. It's one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for Javascript language. Getting started w..
(47/60) A developer has the following array of student test grades:Let arr = [ 7, 8, 5, 8, 9 ];The Teacher wants to double each score and then see an array of the studentswho scored more than 15 points.How should the developer implement the request? let arr = [ 7, 8, 5, 8, 9 ]; // a : filterBy is not a function //let arr1 = arr.map((num) => (num*2)).filterBy((val) => ( val > 15 )); // b : return error //let arr1 = arr.mapBy((num) => (return num*2)).filterBy ((val) => return val > 15 )); // c let arr1 = arr.map((num) => num*2).filter((val) => val > 15); // d : return error //let arr1 = arr.filter((val) => (return val > 15 )).map ((num) => (r..
(46/60) Refer to the code: Given the code above, which three properties are set pet1?Choose 3 answers:
(45/60) Universal Containers recently launched its new landing page to host a crowd-fundingcampaign. The page uses an external library to display some third-party ads. Once the page isfully loaded, it creates more than 50 new HTML items placed randomly ..