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salesforce certification

(44/60) Refer of the string below:Const str = 'salesforce'; Which two statement result in the word 'Sales'? Choose 2 answers const str = 'salesforce'; // javascript substr, substring은 0부터 시작한다. console.log(str.substr(1, 5)); console.log(str.substr(0, 5)); console.log(str.substring(1, 5)); console.log(str.substring(0, 5)); https://onecompiler.com/javascript/3ynn59xq7 3ynn59xq7 - JavaScript - OneCompiler const str = 'salesforce'; console.log(str.substr(1, 5)); console.log(str.substr(0, 5)); console.log(str.substring(1, ..
(43/60) A developer uses a parsed JSON string to work with user information as in the block below:01 const userInformation ={02 " id " : "user-01",03 "email" : "user01@universalcontainers.demo",04 "age" : 25Which two options access the email attribute i.. D. userInformation("email") 에서 () 를 [] 로 바꿔줘야 실행이 된다. -> userInformation["email"] const userInformation = { "id" : "user-01", "email" : "user01@universalcontainers.demo", "age" : 25 } //console.log(userInformation.get("email")); //console.log(userInformation(email)); console.log(userInformation.email); console.log(userInformation["email"]); https://onecompiler.com/javascript/3ynn4pgd9 3ynn4pgd9 ..
(42/60) Refer to the code below:console.log(''start);Promise.resolve('Success') .then(function(value){console.log('Success');});console.log('End');What is the output after the code executes successfully? console.log('start'); Promise.resolve('Success').then(function(value){ console.log('Success'); }); console.log('End'); https://onecompiler.com/javascript/3ynn4gmh9 3ynn4gmh9 - JavaScript - OneCompiler Javascript Online Compiler Write, Run & Share Javascript code online using OneCompiler's JS online compiler for free. It's one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for Javascript language. ..
(41/60) In the browser, the window object is often used to assign variables that require the broadest scope in an application Node.js application does not have access to the window object by default.Which two methods are used to address this ?Choose 2 a.. C, D 2개가 답이지 않을까 추측함.
(40/60) developer removes the HTML class attribute from the checkout button, so now it issimply:<button>Checkout</button>.There is a test to verify the existence of the checkout button, however it looks for a button withclass= "blue". The test fails bec.. True Positive / True Negative / False Positive / False Negative https://sophia-su.tistory.com/61 True/False Positive/Negative 정리 인공지능개론 들을 땐 바로 이해했던 개념인데 이번에 졸작하면서 다시 찾아보니 왠지 이해가 안 됐었던... 빅데이터 수업 듣다가 또 나왔는데 다행히 이해되서 정리해둔다. True Positive False Positi sophia-su.tistory.com https://jxo21.tistory.com/17 False negative(미탐), False positive(오탐), Precision(정밀도), Recall(재현율), Accuracy(정확도), F score 매번 헷갈..
(39/60) Universal Container(UC) just launched a new landing page, but users complain that thewebsite is slow. A developer found some functions that cause this problem. To verify this, thedeveloper decides to do everything and log the time each of these .. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/console/timeLog console.timeLog() - Web APIs | MDN The console.timeLog() method logs the current value of a timer that was previously started by calling console.time() to the console. developer.mozilla.org
(38/60) Given the following code:Let x =('15' + 10)*2;What is the value of a? let x = ('15' + 10) * 2; console.log(x); https://onecompiler.com/javascript/3ynjnjexs 3ynjnjexs - JavaScript - OneCompiler Javascript Online Compiler Write, Run & Share Javascript code online using OneCompiler's JS online compiler for free. It's one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for Javascript language. Getting started with the OneCompiler's Javascript editor is onecompiler.com
(37/60) A developer wrote a fizzbuzz function that when passed in a number, returns thefollowing:● 'Fizz' if the number is divisible by 3.● 'Buzz' if the number is divisible by 5.● 'Fizzbuzz' if the number is divisible by both 3 and 5.● Empty st..