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(10/60) Refer to the code below:Const resolveAfterMilliseconds = (ms) => Promise.resolve (setTimeout (( => console.log(ms), ms ));Const aPromise = await resolveAfterMilliseconds(500);Const bPromise = await resolveAfterMilliseconds(500);Await aPromise, w.. Refer to the code below: const resolveAfterMilliseconds = (ms) => Promise.resolve ( setTimeout (( => console.log(ms), ms )); const aPromise = await resolveAfterMilliseconds(500); const bPromise = await resolveAfterMilliseconds(500); await aPromise, wait bPromise; What is the result of running line 05? 이유는 모르겠음. 코드 실행안되므로 답이 D인가??
(9/60) myArraym can have one level, two levels, or more levels.Which statement flattens myArray when it can be arbitrarily nested? 답이 틀렸음. C가 답이다. https://developer.mozilla.org/ko/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/flat Array.prototype.flat() - JavaScript | MDN flat() 메서드는 모든 하위 배열 요소를 지정한 깊이까지 재귀적으로 이어붙인 새로운 배열을 생성합니다. developer.mozilla.org
(8/60) Which statement accurately describes an aspect of promises? 참고자료 : https://joshua1988.github.io/web-development/javascript/promise-for-beginners/ 자바스크립트 Promise 쉽게 이해하기 (중급) 자바스크립트 입문자를 위한 Promise 설명. 쉽게 알아보는 자바스크립트 Promise 개념, 사용법, 예제 코드. 예제로 알아보는 then(), catch() 활용법 joshua1988.github.io
(7/60) Refer to code below:console.log(0);setTimeout(() => (console.log(1);});console.log(2);setTimeout(() => {console.log(3);), 0);console.log(4);In which sequence will the numbers be logged? Refer to code below: console.log(0); setTimeout(() => { console.log(1); }); console.log(2); setTimeout(() => { console.log(3); }, 0); console.log(4); In which sequence will the numbers be logged? https://onecompiler.com/javascript/3yncbmub3 3yncbmub3 - JavaScript - OneCompiler Javascript Online Compiler Write, Run & Share Javascript code online using OneCompiler's JS online compiler for free. It..
(6/60) Refer to the code below:for(let number =2 ; number <= 5 ; number += 1 ) {// insert code statement here}The developer needs to insert a code statement in the location shown. The codestatement has these requirements:1. Does require an import2. Logs.. Refer to the code below: for ( let number=2 ; number
(5/60) Refer to code below:Let first = 'who';Let second = 'what';Try{Try{Throw new error('Sad trombone');}catch (err){First ='Why';}finally {Second ='when';} catch (err) {Second ='Where';}What are the values for first and second once the code executes ? Refer to code below: let first = 'Who'; let second = 'What'; try{ try{ throw new Error('Sad trombone'); } catch(err){ first='why'; throw err; } finally { second='when'; } } catch(err){ second='where'; } console.log(first, second); What are the values for first and second once the code executes? throw err; 들어가있으면 B. 안들어가있으면 D. 가 정답이다. https://onecompiler.com/javascript/3wmwpcev3 3wmwpcev3 - JavaS..
(4/60) Refer to following code: class Vehicle {constructor(plate) { this.plate =plate; }}Class Truck extends Vehicle {constructor(plate, weight) { //Missing code this.weight = weight; }displayWeight() { console.log('The truck ${.. Refer to following code: class Vehicle { constructor(plate) { this.plate =plate; } } class Truck extends Vehicle { constructor(plate, weight) { //Missing code this.weight = weight; } displayWeight() { console.log('The truck ${this.plate} has a weight of ${this.weight} lb.'); } } let myTruck = new Truck('123AB', 5000); myTruck.displayWeight(); Which statement should be added to line 09 for the co..
(3/60) Given two expressions var1 and var2. What are two valid ways to return the logical ANDof the two expressions and ensure it is data type Boolean ?Choose 2 answers: var var1 = 1; var var2 = 0; console.log(var1 && var2); console.log(Boolean(var1) && Boolean(var2)); console.log(Boolean(var1 && var2)); console.log(var1.toBoolean() && var2.toBoolean()); https://onecompiler.com/javascript/3yngv3t8g 3yngv3t8g - JavaScript - OneCompiler Javascript Online Compiler Write, Run & Share Javascript code online using OneCompiler's JS online compiler for free. It's one of..